Net Scripts
Repeater Net
Simplex Net
Before starting ask: Is this frequency in use? If frequency is clear, begin net. If the frequency is busy, break in, then announce an alternate frequency to use and move net to it. Good evening. This is the Champaign County ARES® simplex net on 146.550 MHz. The purpose of this net is to test your station’s ability to communicate directly with other stations. This is Your Call, the net control station for tonight’s net. My name is ______, and my location is ______. Are there any stations with emergency or priority traffic? Pause, deal with situation if needed. This frequency, 146.550 is to be used when no local repeaters are available. This is an open net and all stations are welcome to check in. When checking in give your call sign and wait for acknowledgment. When acknowledged, give your name and location, and a signal report of my station. The net control consists of a ____ (antenna type), mounted at ____ (feet to base height) using ____ watts of power. Stations wishing to check in call now. Copy down station, name, location, their S units, comments if pertinent. Are there any relays? Are there any other stations wishing to check in, or any comments? When no other check-ins or comments: Thanks to all for participating in the Champaign County ARES® simplex net. This net meets Tuesday following the regular ARES net. If you would like more information about ARES® please contact an ARES® member or check our website at www.wa9res.org. The ARES® simplex net is now closed at ____ PM. This frequency is now available for normal use. This is Your Call. Out.
Good evening and welcome to the Champaign County ARES® weekly net. The purpose of this net is to develop and maintain emergency preparedness skills and to provide a regular means of coordinating and updating members. This is call sign, the net control for tonight’s net, and my name is ______. I will also be net control for the simplex net following this net. Are there any stations with Emergency or Priority Traffic? PAUSE for traffic. Deal with this traffic first. Then proceed. This is a directed net. When checking in give your call sign and wait for acknowledgment. When acknowledged give your name and location. If you have traffic indicate so at this time. We will take traffic after ARES® check-ins are completed. I will now take check-ins from stations that are mobile. Mobile check-ins only, please. When all mobile check-ins are complete: I will now take check-ins from any Champaign County ARES® members. When check-ins are complete: We’ll now go back to those with traffic. Start with first with traffic on the list. Call sign go ahead with your traffic. Continue until all traffic is passed. Are there any other stations that wish to check in? Come now with your call-sign. Take check-ins and traffic if any. Are there any late check-ins or additional comments for the net? Respond with your callsign. If yes, acknowledge and take comments. If not then close the net. Thanks to all who checked in to the Champaign County ARES® net. This net meets Tuesday at 9:00 PM. The ARES Simplex net will be held on 146.550 mhz. following this net. If you would like more information about ARES please contact an ARES member or check our website at www.wa9res.org. This concludes the ARES net for this evening. The net is closed at local time . The repeater is now available for normal use. This is my call . Out.